85. Public Speaking Advanced: 7. What? Framework - Your Sub Points

Last week, we looked at coming up with 3 Main Points, no matter what topic we are planning to speak on.
Today, we focus on beefing up our Main Points by coming up with Sub Points.
My suggestion is to have only one Sub Point for every Main Point we have. That means we have one support idea to hold up our one Main Idea.
Let's see how this can work with our examples from last week.
How to Bake a Cake
1. Ingredients - Sub Point (Suggestion on where to source those main ingredients, for eg ABC market)
2. Materials - Sub Point (Any particular brand of preferred utensils)
3. Procedures - Sub Point (Where we can get these procedures from)
Benefits of Sleeping Early
1. Physical - Sub Point (Benefits of Physical Health)
2. Mental - Sub Point (Benefits of Mental Health)
3. Social - Sub Point (Benefits for Society)
To drive or to Grab?
1. Similarities of both - Sub Point (Why cars are still required today)
2. Benefits of driving - Sub Point (Pros for self driving)
3. Benefits of Grab - Sub Point (Pros of renting)
Being able to come up with sub points fast will enable us to be better prepared when we need to extend a point due to being in debates, arguments, etc.
Don’t you think it is a good skill to have?
Next week we will look at illustrations to emphasise our points