156. The Benefits of Reading: 13. So what should we read?
We have come to the end of the quarter. If you have followed me so far, I hope I have convinced you that reading has its benefits, and...

155. The Benefits of Reading: 12. Deepening your faith
I cannot write a list of benefits without highlighting this one. For those of us whom have our own personal faiths, reading is one of the...

154. The Benefits of Reading: 11. Fast skills and tips out of necessity
Sometimes life brings you times of change, and you are put into new situations fast, such that there may not be time to take a course. In...

153. The Benefits of Reading: 10. Expand your imagination and creativity
There is always space in your brain for fiction, things that are not set in reality. Reading books of a fictional nature is a good way to...

152. The Benefits of Reading: 9. For development at work
Sometimes your work demands you to upgrade yourself. Sometimes your boss wants to give you that promotion, but you feel you need to...

151. The Benefits of Reading: 8. Fill time in toilet (or while waiting)
How much time do we waste nowadays in the following scenarios? 1. Caught in traffic jams (while driving) 2. Waiting in line to buy...

150. The Benefits of Reading: 7. Gaining Broader Knowledge on Specific Sub Topics
Remember my first post in this series? I mentioned that I am a lay preacher in my church? Hence my main topic of interest regarding that...

149. The Benefits of Reading: 6. Going Deeper into your hobby
What do you enjoy doing in your free time? What do you make time for even when you don't have time? If the answer for the two questions...

148. The Benefits of Reading: 5. Exploring supposedly academic topics
Wow time really passes fast when we focus on reading more widely. Let me encourage you to develop a greater reading scope..... you can...

147. The Benefits of Reading: 4. Learning technical topics
This week we continue looking at the benefits of reading.... now at technical knowhow. Idiot's Guides and the For Dummies Guides series...